Ethan, this is a great list and I commend you for the effort that’s gone into it! As someone who entered this space 3 years ago, whatever you put out there has been extremely useful in my journey, and I find this useful to add to my own list! There are some amazing organizations here. I fully recognize that this is a draft and just a starting point.
However, I have a few concerns:
- We work in a space with a lot of smoke and very little fire. We go to some of the same conferences with the same people, and I would be concerned about the potential to see this become an inclusive echo chamber that is not one that embodies regenerative, but rather a who’s who of your network.
- There are names of companies on here that chill my bones and are using regenerative ag as a greenwashing term and following extremely extractive practices. Is this what you want to actually amplify?
- Regenerative agriculture is a term that stands on the backs of soil health, conservation farming, organic farming, carbon farming, sustainable agriculture, permaculture, perennialization of agriculture and more. Are you describing the industry in a way that is inclusive or exclusive? How can you build a big tent?
- Is this about the people using the term “regenerative ag” or walking the walk? If your goal is to get more use of the term that’s one thing, but I’d take a hard cold look at those walking the walk and advancing the industry (including farmers, product manufacturers, companies, service providers and more) without getting caught up in the use of a word.
Some suggestions for future versions:
- As this list has gone from your personal tracking to something public, find ways to be more inclusive, in engaging the community in tracking/contributing to it. There are many leaders in the field who would be excited to help “define” the industry, and a list like this is a great start.
- A chronological industry map is an interesting start, but is there another X-axis that you can use to track the continuum of regeneration? As we both know, there is BS., and then there are movers and shakers. Regenerative ag is often about meeting people where they are at and being a guidepost to a North Star. Celebrate the North Stars!
- Engage the farm community doing the work of regeneration in defining the movement and industry and needs in whatever way you can to get more buy-in to the list.
Again, I appreciate you and the energy you put out there and hope this is useful feedback. I realize I’m probably suggesting more work for you ;).